Frightening Legal Facts


I like and respect the majority of police.  I just believe that the few convoluted thinkers that every police force has will mess most investigations up.  I wonder if 50% of all people in jail are there at least partially because of fabricated, exagerated and convoluted evidence and testimony.

The police will lie and exaggerate in the police report.  Incidents will be described in the worst possible manner for you. The incident of my pushing away the mace, for example, was reported as an assualt on a police officer that happened before I was maced and was the reason for the officer macing me.   In actuality, grabbing the officer's wrist to hold the mace away from my face happened seconds after the macing started.  The timing of events will be switched.  The small things that you do will be magnified and often repeated.  The larger things that they (the policemen) do will be minimized and justified.  Testimony of witnesses will be handled in the same way.

The police will rip their own shirts to show evidence that they have been assaulted.  They will cut and bruise themselves and claim various sprains, bruises and muscle pulls.

The motivation behind these actions is to create arrests to justify spending a lot of money for large police forces.  There are frequently arrest quotas. The motivation for some police officers may be simply to practice their training.  Other police officers may be sadistic: they may get a sexual satisfaction from hurting others or by showing their dominance.

The lawyers collectively make billions each year from representing people that have been charged with touching a police officer (assault and battery on a police officer).  Political candidates get votes by selling "law and order" to their constituents.  Small wonder that the lawyer you hire will actually be on the side of the police and in favor of a lot of assault and battery charges.

Most families are destined to be victimized by assault and battery charges and or police brutality and don't even know it. An incident of police brutality will happen to someone in your family in your lifetime (based on the sampling theorem and not extensive data.)  Many of these incidents will start a person on the warpath against society.  In this manner, Massachusetts is creating anti-social people: people on the warpath against the state.

The incidents described in the debut of this site describe only a couple of police departments and a couple of incidents. These incidents are not, in my estimation, typical of the police and police departments of Massachusetts.  I have many policemen friends.  The majority of times when I have been pulled over for motor vehicle violations have been either friendly warnings or dismissed in court.  I don't want the good officers to leave their profession; I only want the bad officers retrained and monitored.

The law in Massachusetts states that Assault and Battery against a police officer (or anyone else) is punishable by up to 2 and 1/2 years in prison with a ninety day minimum.  Many judges also describe assault and battery as an "unwanted touching".  This means that you have to hire a lawyer and pay him $3,500 ->$10,000 if you are charged with assault and battery on a police officer if you want to stay out of jail.

Many police officers are expert in getting you to touch them.  They will argue and yell at you. They will tell you that you are going to jail.  They will stand on your toes.  They will stand with their face in yours.  They will frisk you in the groin or breasts.  They will push you. They will spray you with mace until you put their arm out to push the mace away. Then you will be charged with resisting arrest and assault and battery on a police officer.

It is the purpose of this site to gain data to prove or disprove the frequency of the generalizations and opinions made on this page.  It is a public service to inform the public about what what can happen to them.  It is a public service to try and motivate the public to be responsible for their government.